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Minutes March 1, 2011
City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes March 1, 2011

Members Present:  Cindy Donaldson, Bill Battle, Jim Thibault, Nancy Sieller, Dawn Gutowski, JoAnn Ryan, TJ Zappulla,

Members Absent:  Greg Mele, George Noujaim,
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:05 PM

1. Open meeting to Public

Commissioner Battle, made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Zappulla seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

2.   Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Sieller, made the motion to approve January 4, 2011 minutes Commissioner Battle seconded the motion, the motion carried.  

3. ACT Update:
ACT has been working on the artspace initiative and next summer’s main street marketplace. They have been meeting regularly planning both initiatives.

4. Education Initiative
Bill Battle reported on his progress with education initiative. He has met with Chris Leone regularly and will be meeting with Mike Maynard from UCONN and Barbara Douglas from the Community College. His discussions have centered on economic development and how it is tied to education in the community. He is exploring working with the Robotics club and the middle school to tie their work in with science friction authors. He will continue to keep the commission updated.

5.  TDC Update
Cindy is working on a new website for the TDC. She has also set up a twitter, facebook and blog.

6. SWOT Update and Connecting Companies through our blog.
In an effort to highlight the companies that are doing business in Torrington, and to promote Torrington and economic development issues Cindy would like to include the business visitation program in our blog. Cindy would like commissioners to submit information to be included in the EDC blog. Every Commissioner was given a topic to write about and submit to Cindy within the next two weeks. We will ask the Mayor and Marty Connors to submit as well.

7.  New Business:
Northwest Leadership Class is hosting an economic development panel on March 16 at 2:00 PM. Commissioner Donaldson requested that if Commissioners were available they could sit on the panel.
8 Adjournment- At 6:20  PM Commissioner Battle made a motion to adjourn,  Commissioner Thibault  seconded the motion. The motion carried.